
Is there a membership fee to join MessiahNet?

No, MessiahNet is completely free!

Do I need to be part of a Messianic congregation to join MessiahNet?

No, you do not. MessiahNet is for any Jewish believer in Yeshua, no matter your faith-identity—whether as a Messianic Jew, a Christian, or anything in between!

I am ethnically Jewish, but I don’t have any Jewish culture or religious practices. Can I join MessiahNet?

Yes, you can! MessiahNet is for any Jewish believer in Yeshua, regardless of your religious practice or cultural background.

I am only partially ethnically Jewish. Do I qualify to join MessiahNet?

In Scripture, there is precedent for a person being considered Jewish if they have at least a single Jewish grandparent (Mat. 1:5). So if you are a believer, yes, you qualify to join, if you are at least ~25% ethnically Jewish (have at least 1 Jewish grandparent). You may also join if your spouse is a MessiahNet member, regardless of your own ancestry. (For more information on this topic, check out this video.)

I am only Jewish on my father’s side. Do I qualify to join MessiahNet?

Yes, you qualify! Contrary to Jewish tradition, Scripture traces Jewish lineage both through the father (1Ki. 14:21, cf. Deu. 17:15) and through the mother (Act. 16:1-3). (See also previous question.)

I took a DNA test, and found out that I have Jewish ancestry. Do I qualify to join MessiahNet?

Maybe. When an applicant does not have at least one Jewish grandparent, we consider their application on a case-by-case basis. (For more information on this topic, check out this video.)

I am not Jewish, but I love Israel and the Jewish people. Can I join MessiahNet?

Your love and support are greatly appreciated! Thank you! MessiahNet’s specific purpose is to help Jewish believers—as a minority group in the Body of Messiah—to connect with each other. If you are not Jewish, you may join if your spouse or teenage child/ward is a MessiahNet member.

Why is there an age requirement to join (ages 16-40), and are there any exceptions?

One of our hopes in creating this platform is that we can help revitalize the worldwide movement of Jewish followers of Messiah—that MessiahNet will enable younger generations to organically and naturally lay a common foundation for their unique calling and experience in Him. With an eye toward the future, we chose for the time being to specifically focus MessiahNet on Millennials and Gen-Zers. We do have an exception to our age requirement, for the parents/guardians of teen members. This is so that parents can monitor their children’s activity, to ensure their safety and spiritual growth.

By making MessiahNet exclusively for Jews, aren’t you re-erecting “the middle wall of partition” (Eph. 2:14)?

In Ephesians 2:14-18, Paul teaches us that Yeshua made Jewish and Gentile believers “one.” Messiah “broke down the middle wall of the enclosure” (invoking imagery from the Temple), creating Jews and Gentiles into “one new man,” “reconcil[ing] both in one body to God.” MessiahNet membership does not change this biblical truth, nor does it in any way re-erect such a “middle wall.” First, MessiahNet is not a replacement for a local expression of the Body where both Jewish and non-Jewish believers gather and worship together. We do not encourage Jewish believers to isolate from or break fellowship with anyone—including their Gentile brothers and sisters in Messiah—but rather encourage all members to participate in local fellowship. Second, like other groups centered around a specific commonality—for example, men’s groups, women’s groups, or recovery groups—MessiahNet’s goal is to provide a space for Jewish believers to come together and build relationships based partly on their shared unique and mutual perspectives, experiences and identity as Jews in Yeshua. The purpose of MessiahNet is not to exclude or alienate Gentiles, but rather to meet the specific needs of the minority group of Jewish believers in Yeshua.

How can MessiahNet specifically be for Jewish believers, when “In Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek” (Gal. 3:28)?

Though this verse is often understood to mean that Jewish and Gentile believers should be completely indistiguishable from each other, the greater context of this passage is simply discussing our equality in Messiah—how faith in Yeshua is the only way to become a son of God (v. 26), both for Jews and Gentiles. The full verse reads: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (ESV, emphasis added). Paul likens our oneness as Jews and Gentiles to our oneness as men and women. So just as it is not against Scripture to have groups specifically for men or for women, it is not against Scripture to have a group specifically for Jews. (For more information on this topic, check out this video.)

Is MessiahNet associated with a church or congregation?

No, we are not. MessiahNet is a ministry of MJMI—Messianic Jewish Movement International, which is a sister organization of Perfect Word Ministries. MJMI and Perfect Word are para-congregational 501(c)(3) ministries, not affiliated with any specific church or congregation.